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Can we just talk about it?

ALL of it! Please!?

Today I prayed with a beautiful sister in Christ who felt completely broken because she made a mistake. She didn't tell anyone for a long time because she was ashamed. And the shame and embarrassment has been eating her alive and holding her captive.

Boy can I relate! Admitting I mess up is not on my list of favorite things to do! I'd much rather feed the perception that I've got everything together at all times even if it's exhausting!

Why do we still believe the lie that our mistakes somehow change our worthiness? We hide our struggles in hopes of masking how fragile we really are. We desire to be deeply known and deeply loved but our fear of rejection forces us to conceal the inner parts of our being.

Too often we claim authenticity while only offering small moments of vulnerability to keep up that illusion. In reality, whether we realize it or not, we are strategic in how much we let people into our lives. We open ourselves up enough for partial connection but often hold back about our hurt, longings, strongholds, fears, anger, or anything else that puts us at risk of being exposed for the broken people we really are.

Friends, we are in a battle! There is an enemy of this world that wants nothing more than to convince us that we are not worthy of love. He prowls around looking to devour anyone in his path. (1 Peter:5-8) The more he can convince us to hide/mask/conceal our lives, the more power he has! He whispers lies in our hurting ears..."You're just a screw up." "You're never going to change." "You are just a burden." "If you tell people about that, they will leave." "You're hopeless."

Oh but sweet friends we have a Heavenly Father who says, YOU ARE SO LOVED! Psalm 36:7 says "How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings!" God's love for us is unwavering and absolutely nothing can separate us from it! (Romans 8:31-39)

When the enemy says, "You're just a screw up." God says, "You were created in my image beloved. You were fearfully and wonderfully made!" (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:14)

When the enemy says, "You're never going to change." God says, "The Spirit gives you power, love, and self-control! And the Spirit is changing you to look more like Me everyday!" (2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Timothy 1:7)

When the enemy says, "You are a burden." God says, "Beloved I know the number of hairs on your head. To prove how much I love you, Christ died while you were still a sinner. Abide in my love." (Luke 12:7; Romans 5:8; John 15:9)

When the enemy says, "If you tell people that, they will leave." God says, "My design is for you to carry each other's burdens. I've called you to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Keep meeting together and sharing life!" (Galations 6:2; Hebrews 10:24-25)

When the enemy says, "You're hopeless". God says, "You can do all things because I give you my strength! THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST JESUS. I am the God of hope and will fill you with joy and peace as you trust me!" (Philipians 4:13; Romans 8; Romans 15:13)

In light of these truths, can we just talk about it!? Not just the pretty stuff or the minor set backs but the BIG UGLY experiences that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US encounter! Can we just talk about ALL OF IT?

Because every time we link arms, confess sin, share burdens, and invite the Spirit of God into it all, we are one step closer to..."His Kingdom come, His Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

I'm just sayin...

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